Onyfix Nail Bracing - Avoid toenail surgery

What is nail bracing?

Nail bracing is a simple and effective treatment option for painful and involuted nails that avoids toenail surgery, requires no needles, no anaesthetic, no rest or down time and quick resumption of activities. Similar to the bracing of teeth used in orthodontics, nail bracing is designed to restore the natural shape of a nail to reduce re-occurrence of ingrown nails, or pain from nails that start to curl inwards (an involuted nail).

What is Onyfix?

Onyfix is the latest innovative and successful nail bracing system that was developed in Germany. It’s simple, yet effective sleek design has made nail bracing much more suitable for the everyday person. It requires no special care and allows you to do everything you normally would such as getting it wet, playing sport and even painting your nails (with some exceptions)!

How does it work?

Onyfix uses a soft composite that we apply and shape to the base of the nail. A UV light is used to harden the composite, creating a gentle tension that effectively braces the nail in that position. The Onyfix strip will then retain the shape of the nail as it grows out to prevent any curling/ingrown nails causing pain and restore the natural shape of the nail.
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Who can use nail bracing?

As nail bracing is completely painless and has no unwanted side effects, it can be used on anyone! This is particularly helpful for those who may have underlying health conditions or during pregnancy that can make other treatments unavailable.

It is generally suitable for all involuted nails and less severe ingrown nails; however, our podiatrists will be able to assess and confirm the best available treatment for your condition. Check out our latest blog on “When do I need nail surgery” for more information on ingrown nails.

Whether it be for cosmetic appearance reasons or due to painful ingrown nails, Onyfix Nail bracing aims to change the shape of the nail permanently for long term relief.

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How long does it stay on?

Onyfix nail braces stay on nail and grow out with the natural growth of the nail. A big toenail takes roughly 9-12 months for the whole nail plate to grow out and roughly 6-9 months for the smaller toes. Onyfix will generally stay on for the entire time and can be removed earlier by our podiatrists if needed. Our podiatrists will monitor the nail brace as it grows out to ensure its progression and may place another brace on if needed while providing other conservative treatments until it has grown out completely.

Our Podiatrists are looking forward to helping you