How To Get Rid Of Corns On Feet

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Get Rid of Corns on Feet
Get Rid of Corns on Feet
If your skin is subjected to repetitive rubbing or friction, your body responds in an attempt to protect the deeper layers of soft tissue. This is when corns can develop.

Corns are a common foot condition due to the feet’s typical movements and footwear. They are characterised by a small, localised area of thickened skin, and often develop over bony prominences, such as the toes. They may be painful, especially when pressure is applied.

Corns may sound like calluses, but though they share similar causes, they differ in appearance and location. Corns tend to have a central core, which may cause discomfort when pressed. There may also be swollen skin surrounding the corn. On the other hand, calluses lack a distinct core, are more diffuse, and are generally bigger than corns. Seeking guidance and understanding these distinctions can help in gaining the proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

For most people, corns are a safe issue that can be resolved with simple treatment and preventative steps. However, corns can be problematic for some people, so it can be pertinent to seek professional assistance in certain cases. At The Foot Clinic, we can determine what care you require and the best way to get rid of corns on your feet. 

The Causes Of Corns On Feet

Corns develop as a protective mechanism to prevent the skin from breaking and becoming infected or forming a deep wound when it is regularly irritated or rubbed.

Some reasons for this can be:
  • Wearing shoes and/or socks that move and slide against your feet because they are too loose.
  • Wearing shoes and/or socks that squeeze and press your feet because they are too tight.
  • Wearing shoes without socks. Genetics, which may influence corns that occur in non-weight-bearing areas, such as the soles of your feet.

    The Symptoms Of Corns On Feet

    Corns are generally present in areas that are regularly faced with external pressure, such as a shoe, and internal pressure, such as a bone. Signs that indicate the issue is a corn can include:

  • A raised bump of hard, thick skin.
  • Dry, rough, flaky, and/or waxy skin.
  • Discomfort, especially when pressed.

    Treatment For Corns On Feet

    If you have signs of corns on your feet, you can take steps to improve them with gentle at-home remedies and strategies. If they are painful, swollen, or persistent, it can be beneficial to see a podiatrist or doctor. We aim to help improve the symptoms, provide relief, and prevent corns from occurring again.

    If you have a health condition that involves poor blood circulation or you have diabetes, it can be important to seek treatment because the corn, no matter how mild, may develop into an ulcer, which can become an open wound that may get infected or be hard to heal. Do not try to treat corns without guidance, even with gentle tools to thin the skin.

    Initial treatment involves rectifying the underlying cause. This may include getting more appropriate shoes and socks and using small pads designed to reduce the pressure. You can also soak your feet in warm, soapy water to soften the corns before gently exfoliating the skin with a tool such as a pumice stone. Do not rub too hard or trim the skin yourself as you could cause damage. Moisturising your feet and keeping your toenails trimmed may also help.

    If the corn does not respond swiftly to these changes or is particularly sore and problematic, we can carry out some other steps in our clinic. These may include:
  • Providing advice regarding medicated patches, such as those containing 40% salicylic acid.
  • Thinning the affected skin with a tool, such as an emery board or pumice.
  • Trimming excess skin with a scalpel.
  • Prescribing and developing customised orthotics.
  • Providing education and guidance regarding footwear and prevention strategies.

    Visit The Foot Clinic To Get Rid Of Corns On Your Feet

    Corns can become uncomfortable, make you feel embarrassed about the appearance of your feet, and be more difficult to treat the longer you leave them. Our podiatrists are dedicated to helping to remove the issue and prevent corns from occurring by identifying the underlying factors and providing appropriate treatment.
    If you are dealing with corns, please contact The Foot Clinic to make an appointment with one of our experienced and friendly podiatrists so that we can do all we can to help you.